RUSH HOUR 2 (2001) |
Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, John Lone, Ziyi Zhang, Roselyn Sanchez,
Harris Yulin, Alan King, Kenneth Tsang, Maggie Q, Lucy Lin, Jeremy Piven,
Saul Rubinek and Don Cheadle.
Screenplay by Jeff Nathanson.
Directed by Brett
Distributed by New Line Pictures. 91 minutes. Rated PG-13. |

Rush Hour 2
The first Rush Hour movie was nothing special. And
yet, compared to this tepid sequel, we're talking
Citizen Kane territory. I suppose the new film had a
storyline, though for the life of me I can't remember what
it was. Jackie Chan is Jackie Chan, you know what you are
going to get with him, a light comic version of Bruce Lee
that is not to everyone's liking, but at least you can see
why he would be popular.
Chris Tucker is another case
entirely. He is not only unfunny, he is offensive. His
character, in fact his whole shtick, is quite possibly the
most offensive African-American stereotype since Stephin
Fetchit. How is it possible that this loud, lazy, rude,
prejudiced, thoughtless jerk of a character has made Tucker
a star? I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he is
smart enough to know better and considers it a "parody," but
I don't have to sit and watch it. (8/01)
Randall Carlton |

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