Get On Up
It takes a certain amount of finesse to make a
biographical film about a person who in general was not very likable. Yes,
everyone knows that James Brown was a huge musical trailblazer, but almost
as many people know that the man himself was far, far from being a perfect
human being.
Therefore, Get On Up has the difficult task
of portraying the man's huge accomplishments as a musician and a civil
rights advocate, but not having them overshadowed by the fact that the guy
was more than a bit of a dick.
The film does this job mostly admirably. This is
not exactly a warts-and-all biographical account of the man's life – while
they do allow his flaws to be seen somewhat, the film mostly underplays
Brown's problems with drugs, women and the law.
James Brown was a very complicated man who lived a
very complicated life.
Luckily, the film has an incredibly capable actor to
portray the man. Chadwick Boseman will have to be careful not to become
typecast as black icons: he has now played both Jackie Robinson (in 42)
and James Brown in his short career as a leading actor. However, he easily
has the skills to play such vaunted characters. While this character is
much less sympathetic than his earlier portrayal of Robinson, Boseman is
able to capture the dichotomies of the man – brilliant singer, smart
businessman, loving father, abusive husband, sometimes giving friend,
sometimes major jerk and eventually drug-addled parody of himself.
It is somewhat fascinating to observe the forces
that changed a wide-eyed young boy into a rather selfish and often cruel
And, yes, James Brown did have a damned hard
childhood. He was abandoned by his mother (Viola Davis) as a small boy –
shown in the film in an honestly kind of confusing scene where his mother is
leaving his father and says she can't take care of the child and the father
yells at her that she better not leave the boy with him, until she agrees to
return to get the boy and the dad then refuses to let her take him.
Soon afterwards, his dad left James behind, too,
dropping him to live at a local brothel whose Madame (Octavia Spencer)
agreed to look after the boy. As a young man he gets into trouble with the
law, getting sentenced to 10 years in juvie for stealing a suit.
Brown's main, long-lasting relationship was with
bandmate Bobby Byrd [Nelsan Ellis], as is explored in the film. Their
relationship was certainly problematic, and for a change the film does not
shy away from this major wart on Brown's character. Byrd was supposedly
Brown's best friend. Byrd single-handedly got Brown out of jail and into
the music business. In return for his decades of help and loyalty, Brown
essentially held Byrd down: underpaying him, berating him, getting pissed
when Byrd showed any musical ambition that was not subservient to Brown's
own needs.
Get On Up also
slightly overplays Brown's role in the civil rights battles – the dude was a
Republican and was good friends with Strom Thurmond, for Christ's sake....
No, I don't in any way underestimate the hardships that he experienced to
become a star and stay one in a world where the deck was stacked against
him. However, if you look at his dealings with his own band, you realize
that he was not completely above exploiting those below him. James Brown
was out for himself, always.
The film shows the famous studio recording of
Brown's "Say It Loud (I'm Black and I'm Proud!)" as a soulful meeting of the
minds and an ethnic connection with a group of young black children singing
backing vocals. While I understand why that would be the picture the film
wants to share, in the actual recording session most of the children who
sang "I'm black and I'm proud" weren't actually black. There were mostly
whites and Asians in that group of Los Angeles school kids that did the
backing vocals. This is just another little example of the difference
between James Brown the film wanted to create and the actual life of the
The film opens up, oddly enough, at the low point of
Brown's life. In 1988, middle-aged, drug-addled and dressed in a horrible
track suit, Brown held a group of white seminar goers hostage by a rifle
when he found that someone had used his private bathroom in the office. The
movie, which hops around in time wildly, does not return to this until near
the end, dramatizing Brown's high-speed chase with the police. Yet, other
than showing him in prison, the film does not feel the need to explore this
any further. (Did he spend two days or five years in prison? The film
never says. Actually, he served two-and-a-half years of a six-year
term, but the film would just as soon you don't remember that.)
However, despite the fact that Get On Up is a
somewhat sanitized version of Brown's life and career, Bozeman's performance
and the musical numbers largely make the film worth seeing. Yes, there is
probably a better movie to be made about the fascinating, contradictory
human being that was James Brown, but Get On Up at least touches on
some of the greatest hits of the hardest working man in show business.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2015 All rights reserved. Posted: January
4, 2015.