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LIFE on the NINE
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October 24, 2006.
There is really no such thing as overnight
success in acting, but you have to admit that Jessica Collins is certainly
in the fast lane.
Just over a year ago she was a student at the prestigious Juilliard
School in
Manhattan. She played roles in classic plays like Macbeth and
Three Sisters and attended and an acting
program at Oxford.
Her television career caught on last season when she was hired to play a
bitter ghost and her troubled sister on the hit series Ghost Whisperer.
Collins followed this up with her first off-Broadway play, Manic
Flight Reaction and another significant TV guest shot on Law &
Order: Criminal Intent.
Now, Collins has become part of the ensemble in one of the most acclaimed
series of the 2006 season, The Nine. It is the story of a group of
people who endure an extended hostage situation during a botched bank
robbery. The show focuses on how the survivors’ lives are changed by the
ordeal as they come to cling to each other for support.
Collins plays Lizzie, a newly pregnant social worker who becomes estranged
from her doctor boyfriend Jeremy (Scott Wolf) during the crisis. Other
victims include an off-duty cop (Tim Daly), an assistant DA (Kim Raver), a
suicidal office drone (John Billingsley), the bank manager (Chi McBride), his
daughter (Dana Davis) and two sisters who work at the bank as tellers
(Camille Guaty and Lourdes Benedicto.)
Collins was nice enough to take the time to sit down and chat with us
during a break in filming to discuss her meteoric rise and the show.
How did you first get
involved in acting?
found myself getting involved in high school. I went to just a public
high school and there was a drama club and, you know. I think the first
show I ever did was non-musical version of Les Miserables. As
silly as it was, I was hooked. I couldn’t get out of our theater
department, if somebody tried to drag me. So, that’s how I started…
A little more than a
year ago you were doing classic stage drama at Juilliard and in
You were doing all these classic stage plays
like Macbeth, Three Sisters and Faust. You also did
an off-Broadway show with
Manic Flight Reaction. What is it about being onstage? How is
that different than working on television?
It’s different because it’s a live medium. You are your
editor. There’s no censorship, really. You can go where you want to at
any given time. It’s not recorded, so it lives in people’s memories and
their hearts. TV and film does the same thing, but it’s liberating that
Right after graduation
you got your breakthrough in a flashy part on
Ghost Whisperer, playing twins, both a disturbed young
girl and her sister’s ghost – who was looking out for her, but also bitter
and guilty. How did you get the role and what was it like playing two
such diverse characters at the same time?
You know, I was out here with my showcase for Juilliard. I went on an
audition. It just so happened they really liked me and they called me
back in and I booked it. I mean, I thought I was on top of the world. It
was such a cool thing to do because of the twins aspect. It was my first
thing I’d ever done on camera, so I didn’t even know what hitting your
mark meant, or first team or second team or camera reload. All this was
so new to me. But it was such good training because I was playing two
characters. I got to switch into an evil character and then into
the sweet character. They were all so sweet to me. Jennifer Love Hewitt
was just a blessing. She took me by the hand and showed me what
to do. I’m just so thankful for that experience.
Then earlier this year
you were part of an extremely disturbing episode of
Law & Order: Criminal Intent as a thrill-seeking
girl whose brother was murdered by her boyfriend. How did that
role come about?
was in New York doing Manic Flight Reaction off-Broadway. I thought I’m not leaving New York before I’ve done a Law &
Order. This is ridiculous. (laughs) So, I called my manager
and I said, you know, I really think I should do a Law & Order.
She said, “Well, you can’t just do one, you have to audition.” So I said,
well, send me in. I went in and they liked me. And I did it.
I did notice that on
Ghost Whisperer you were credited as Ava Collins, on Law & Order:
CI as Jessie Collins and now on The Nine as Jessica. Is Jessica
your real name and why have you been changing it?
It’s been a mess. (laughs) A beautiful mess. Through some
issues. There is another Jessica Collins, who I hear is a wonderful
actress. I was told by the Screen Actors Guild that we couldn’t share the
same name. I went through a series of [names]
figuring it out, until finally the
Screen Actors Guild said, “Well, you can use your name. You just have to
sign a waiver.” So, by the time I got to The Nine, it all finally
was worked out. (laughs
again) Yeah, we went through some
billing discrepancies, which all worked out in the end.
Now just a year into
professional TV acting, you have a major role in one of the most respected
and critically acclaimed shows of the new season…
know! How lucky am I?
a very important role on the show. Literally you are the
first person we see on the show. When you were at Juilliard and Oxford could you ever have imagined things going so fast?
No, I didn’t. I know that I have such a passion for
the craft of acting and I’ve always wanted to
pursue it. That was my plan. Whether or not I would have taken the
theater route or the film route or the television – I had no idea. I’m
so lucky that it’s working out without me having to figure out.
After your previous TV
roles, Lizzie seems rather grounded and normal – though of course she has
also experienced an amazing trauma. How much of a balancing act is it to
play a basically good normal person who has been put into such an extreme
It’s interesting. I think that juxtaposition is what’s so fascinating.
It’s the best, because you wonder if that character is at their truest
during the trauma. You wonder if the true nature of someone is exposed in
those moments of crisis. How that resonates to you in real life is what’s
fascinating about playing this person. To see the likes and the
differences between going through a trauma and living everyday life – it’s
been awesome. I couldn’t ask for a better role.
Obviously, thankfully,
most of us will never know what it is like to be part of a hostage crisis
like that. As an actress, how hard was it to get into the mindset and
live that experience?
It’s challenging in the best possible way. It requires one’s imagination
to be at full throttle. You do look back at moments in your own life. We
try and draw from them. That’s very helpful. But, I’m so lucky to have
such an awesome cast, who really know the value of keeping off-camera
really light and funny. You know, we joke around a lot and we keep the
atmosphere on set very pleasant and positive. That way, when we do go
into the acting of the trauma it’s balanced and it’s doable and easy to
deal with.
It’s a fascinating
cast, because it is a mix of well-known actors who have previously
anchored series like Tim Daly, Chi McBride and Scott Wolf, veteran
character actors like John Billingsley and Lourdes Benedicto and new
talent like yourself and Lucas Dalton. Does it feel natural dealing with
all of them? I know you just said they keep it light, but do you feel
like you’re keeping up with everything and everyone is just really doing
their part?
You do. You know, they’re just wonderful people. It really
does feel like an ensemble. There’s not one person that’s more weighted
than the other. You do get the sense that we’re all on equal footing.
That’s kudos to these fine actors who are in our show. We’re part of an
ensemble. We’re part of The Nine. You really do feel that at
work. It’s incredible.
storyline of
The Nine
flashes back and forth between what happened in the bank and how the
people are dealing with everything that happened. Since little bits of
what happened on that day are being revealed throughout the shows, how
much did you know about things beforehand, or do you learn as you get the
scripts? For example, have you known from the beginning what happened
between Lizzie and Jeremy in the bank that put a wedge in between them?
I’ve known a little bit. I’ve known a moment. Whether or not what has
happened between them is a series of moments or is this one moment that
I’m informed about is to be discovered. But we do know what we need to
know to act the scenes that we’re given. So, we’re not left in the dark
It’s weird, because
after going through such an ordeal as the bank robbery you would think
that most people would want to just forget the horror. But why do you
think people who have shared a life or death situation have a tendency to
cling together like they do on the show?
think because it’s healing. It’s interesting, because on our show, not
everybody behaves that way. There are those characters that want nothing
to do with the group. That want to focus on work and heal that way. My
character, especially, is a social worker and she knows there’s a lot to
be gained from coming together. She’s really the catalyst for get
everyone together, usually. She’s the one usually leading the pack to
say, “Hey, let’s all gather at the diner and have dinner.”
There’s just something to be said
for getting together and talking,
Lizzie is a very
complex character because, like you said, she is a social worker, she is
very compassionate. But, in the last episode that aired, the scene when
Nick is telling her that Jeremy may have tried to kill the bank robber you
get the feeling that she not only approved but may have been having second
thoughts about the problems they were having – without you even saying a
word. Was that hard to pull off?
No, because I think that’s quite natural. When you go
through something [like that] it’s a rollercoaster of emotions and
feelings. One moment, you might feel on top of the world, the next moment
you might feel at the bottom. It’s so realistic to show
someone going through a series of emotions and feelings. It’s not
difficult – I like that and I appreciate it – that and the writing of our
The show also
interestingly shows the huge place luck and fate plays in all of our lives
– if not for the fact that there was a huge line at the ATM and Lizzie was
anxious to break the big news of her pregnancy to Jeremy, they would have
never been in the bank when the robbery happened.
That’s right.
Do you think much of
life is just ruled by coincidence?
You know, I do. I have to have faith that things happen for a reason.
I’m a firm believer in that. I think that, to an extent… I’m also a big
questioner. I usually just throw the question out there (laughs)
and keep thinking about it.
ABC must have high
hopes putting
The Nine on after
They do, and you know what? It’s just so nice to be supported. Gosh,
it’s just been wonderful – through and through.
I’ve only seen the
first three episodes, so obviously you’re ahead of me as far as the
storyline goes… Without giving up any real secrets, what can we expect
for the rest of the season?
You won’t be disappointed. (laughs) Just keep tuning in. You
won’t be disappointed.
Do you have any ideas
for the show that you’d love to see them do – either about Lizzie’s
character or more generally for the show?
like the surprise. I really do. I like getting every script and sort of
having my jaw drop. Oh, really, I do this? I
wouldn’t suggest a thing.
Have you hit the point
in your career where people start to recognize you on the streets?
You know what’s funny, I was recognized inside of my bank.
Okay, that’s ironic…
really was. (laughs) The teller was like, “Oh, you’re on the bank
show.” Other than that, not too much. You know, I don’t really pay too
much attention to that anyway. When I’m on the go, I’m usually pretty
I read a quote from the
producers of the show saying that all of the answers will be revealed
about the robbery by the end of the season. Which is great as a viewer,
because so many shows leave things hanging, but do you worry
how that
will play into the possibility of a second season?
don’t. I know my hope is that the people seeing us become very interested
in the lives of these characters and that crisis, and the mystery of the
crisis takes a back seat to the character drama. I think that hopefully
that will happen. I don’t see a problem with that. I believe in the
character relationship drama of it.
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