The Legend of the Guardians: The
Owls of Ga'Hoole
The Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole
falls into an
uncomfortable netherworld that all too many animated films reach these
days. It can’t quite decide whether it wants to be a children’s film or an
adult fantasy and ends up not quite working on either level.
First of all, I hate to say it, but the plot is simply too dense and at the
same time too dark for most kids to really grasp. On the other hand, it is
a little too simplistic (at least philosophically) and derivative of
earlier, better movies for adults to hop on board.
The Legend of the Guardians
is trying for the
age-defying gravitas of a Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter or
The Chronicles of Narnia – however that goal is out of this modest
film’s reach. So while Ga’Hoole looks truly amazing (really, this is
some of the finest computer animation yet) and has some wonderful moments,
in the long run I never quite bought into the film’s world.
of the problem comes from a very basic obstacle – seeing a bunch of owls
fighting to the death gets to be a bit silly. In fact, as directed by
tone-deaf director Zack Snyder of 300 fame – whose only volume
settings are loud and even louder – the movie is insanely busy and earnest
to the brink of sappiness.
is trying to be a touching Cain and Abel story about inhumanity, injustice
and familial competition. Snyder seems to think he is making an important
statement on the human condition.
umm, did I mention that the main characters are all owls?
course I did. And, yes, of course I know that there is a long history in
literature and film of using animals as an allegory for human beings – going
back to George Orwell’s Animal Farm.
somehow, I couldn’t find myself getting too invested in the problems of this
alternate universe.
movie is based on a popular series of books, so someone must care, but I
can’t say that I did.
big problem is that it is kind of hard to tell owls apart. Yes, yes, I
understand there are many species of owls and Legend of Ga’Hoole does
its best to give the birds different looks and personalities, however often
during the movie I had no idea who was doing what. Different characters
seemed to meld together in my overworked brain to the point that I was often
confused by what was happening – and in general I am very good at keeping
plots straight in my head.
Besides, I have to admit I spent way too much time trying to figure out how
owls were able to forge armored masks and gloves made of sharp blades for
their talons.
The Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole
takes itself way too
seriously and is awfully violent and disturbing for PG rated film. As
mentioned before, just because a film is animated does not make it a
children’s film. You’d probably want to keep really small children away.
However, I will give credit where credit is due – for the most part it does
look stunning.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2010
All rights reserved. Posted: September 24, 2010.