Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry, Toby Stephens, Rosamund Pike, Rick Yune,
John Cleese, Judi Dench, Michael Madsen, Will Yun Lee, Samantha Bond and
Madonna. Screenplay
by Neal Purvis and Robert Wade.
Directed by Lee
Distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures. 132 minutes. Rated
PG-13. |
Die Another Day
After forty years of James Bond films, the franchise has come
up with a pretty hard and fast formula. The films always
start with Bond single-handedly fighting off a group of
heavily armed bad guys in a spectacular stunt sequence.
He then always
returns to England, where he finds out it was
all the work of a
rich madman bent on world domination. Bond and a beautiful
female spy set about foiling the plot, fighting off the
superhuman evil henchman and a beautiful femme fatale who
pretends to help but ends up being
part of the evil plot. Liberally mix in chases
and explosions in exotic settings until the grand finale in
which Bond infiltrates the megalomaniacs lair and overcomes
his dastardly plan while single-handedly leveling the whole
evil hiding place.
This is a far cry from the original
storylines of Ian Flemings novels, even some of the earlier
films (like
Russia With Love)
recognized that every case a spy takes is not necessarily
about world domination.
Most are more subtle and insidious than
that. So it was kind of cool when
Another Day
was willing to shake up the mix a bit in the
first half-hour.
During Bonds spectacular pre-credits stunt sequence, he
actually gets caught by the bad guys, and is held as a
prisoner of war for sixteen months of torture. It is
interesting to see the suave Bond reduced to a disheveled
and distraught victim. When he is finally freed in a
prisoner exchange (against the wishes of his
superiors), Bond is considered damaged goods and they turn
their back on him.
So far, so good right?
After this
adventurous start,
sadly, the movie does fall back into
the formula, but it is
a well
done take on some old ideas. Pierce Brosnan just grows more and more
comfortable in the role of Bond and
finally has gotten to the point that you mostly don't think
of the actors who have played the role before (though he
still doesn't inhabit the role quite as well as Sean Connery.) The big selling point for
this installment is that last years Best Actress Halle
Berry is on board as the beautiful American agent
who Bond
grudgingly teams up with, but frankly Berry brings little to
the table as Jinx. She sleepwalks
through a part that anyone could play. More
interesting is Toby Stephens as a bad guy whose foppish
businessman exterior hides a fierce competitiveness and hard
heart. The stunts, particularly those in and around a
fortress completely made of ice, are very impressive. So while
Another Day
overhaul the aging series as much as you might hope, it is
still one of the better Bond pictures in
the last two decades.
Jay S.
Jacobs |
©2002 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved.
Posted: December 28, 2002. |


©2002 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved.
Posted: December 28, 2002.