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Interviews A to E > Christian Bale
by Brad Balfour |
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July 7, 2007.
In famed German-born
director Werner Herzog's Rescue Dawn,
Christian Bale's portrayal of the captured Navy pilot Dieter Dengler is
riveting, memorable and disturbing. In this film, he endures torture,
deprivation and the extremes that Dengler faced as a prisoner in a secret
Laotian camp during the mid-1960s. From eating raw snake and maggots to
actually experiencing water torture and beatings, Bale did what it took to
fulfill his character. An extraordinary piece of work, it's not surprising
that it comes from Bale, an actor who truly gives life to the idea of method
acting by really inhabiting his parts.
The Welsh-born Bale
brings this same intensity to a raft of characters--from his recreation of
Dengler to his revised Batman as The Dark
Knight. Even when the character has romantic qualities, such as in
Laurel Canyon, he brings an intensity to the part that is inherently
Bale's forte. From the obsessed magician in The Prestige to the
brutal ex-soldier and cop wanna-be in Harsh Times, the 35 year-old
actor plays some very disconnected individuals, but in his off-camera life
he actively supports such concerned organizations as Ark Trust, Greenpeace,
the World Wildlife Foundation, the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, the Redwings
Sanctuary, and the Happy Child Mission, and a school for street kids in Rio
De Janeiro.
Was getting a chance to
eat maggots what turned you on to this role?
Yeah [laughs].
What else turned you on
to this character?
Dieter Dengler was an
amazing man. Who knows what he would've been had he not ever been tested in
this way? It's a question that I certainly have myself. What would I be able
to do in certain situations? Kind of dying to be tested. He was [tested] and
he came out, obviously, looking like a true hero, but he didn't go in
looking like that. He was not your typical image of somebody that you would
think would be the tough guy who was able to endure. His lighthearted
attitude; this sort of dorkiness that I saw in him and kind of naïveté as
well. It ended up being the finest tool for his survival.
I just found that really
interesting and was equally interested in the idea of working with Werner
Herzog and heading to the Thai jungle. [I had] heard a few stories about
him... didn't know his work a whole lot. I kind of researched it after I
first met him. But the idea of heading to a guy who on one movie spent four
years making a movie in the jungle and threatening to shoot his actors and
stuff… It was at least going to be interesting, if nothing else.
Did you find that having
Herzog's Dengler documentary,
Little Dieter Needs to
Fly, as a reference a good thing or a bad thing? Did it impose a certain
responsibility on you as an actor to capture him accurately?
It's a good thing. I know
a lot of other actors that don't like to look at other references to their
characters and things. But I like it. I always look at everything, I read
all the books. I read Dieter's Escape from Laos. I watched the
documentary again and again and again. I recorded it just to listen to him a
lot. I just don't suffer from feeling like I'm getting caught into an
imitation. I just feel like I want to steal some good stuff if it's in
You go into some
very rough territory in this film, there's no question about that. And you
do it so fearlessly. How far will you go as an actor before you feel like
this is enough?
You kind of discover it
as you go along. There's obviously a point at which you step back and go;
it's just a movie. Like for The Machinist, I wasn't doing that for
the movie. I was doing that because I wanted to test myself to see if I was
somebody who had the willpower to be able to do that. But at certain points,
it can become just egotistical and pointless, so you just got to keep
yourself in check with that. But I think that I just discover it as I go
How far do you feel
you can ride the currents of emotion before you actually cross over to a
point where you're beating yourself up? There was a Russian actor playing
Othello who needed six Desdemonas because each night he actually
strangled his Desdemona. Each one needed a week to recover.
It's one thing to beat
yourself up, it's quite another to strangle a woman. That is the
distinction. There are some stories that Werner told me about Klaus Kinski
[who starred in five Herzog films: Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes, Woyzeck,
Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht, Fitzcarraldo and Cobra Verde].
People sometimes think that Werner's quite a brutal guy. They think he's
quite the sadist. There are stories that he pointed a gun at Klaus Kinski.
Well, Klaus Kinski was doing all sorts of things like that and much worse
[he had a reputation of brutalizing both his fellow actors and his
directors--ed]. I would've shot the guy. If he was doing it to himself:
no problem. He's an adult.
For me, I would never
tread on anybody else's toes, or do anything that will reduce their
performance or put them in any kind of discomfort whatsoever. But if I want
to do that myself, that's my choice.
Did you have time to live
in such barracks, as well as go through jungle training?
No, we didn't have any
jungle training. Nothing. Because Dieter didn't have any jungle training. We
watched the video [of the documentary] and that was it. That was the point.
They had no idea what to expect [so why should we?]. For me, research can be
interesting, but it can be pointless as well. The realities of making a
movie often are not conducive with that. For instance, I want to go live in
an army barracks for eight weeks beforehand. Well, great, but it's probably
going to be nothing different than somebody who didn't, unless it's
something you're actually using as you're filming.
I'm not knocking it. I
love doing research myself, but I admit it doesn't always add to the
performance. It might and you never know. It could end up adding something,
but a lot of it is purely because I get to do it. I have an excuse. I have
people who will call up and they all go, "Ok, come on in," whereas normally
they'd say, "Stay the hell out of it. We don't just let anybody in." It
gives you access and I just like taking advantage of that.
In the scene with
the leeches and the torture scenes you certainly took advantage of having
access to those experiences.
The leeches were no
problem. Those things are getting use medicinally in many places. We just
grabbed them and chucked them on. They were funny little sort of playthings
almost. You just get these slight incisions that take a little while to stop
bleeding. It's all very clean and no problem. You don't feel it a great deal
anyways. Literally, you throw a leech on me now and I'll probably just be,
"What's that? Oh, I've got a strange little leech." Yeah, it's not a big
As for the torture
scenes… for some of them we were in a village. There was this fantastic
village that were very unsure of us when we first got there, kind of
standing back. Suddenly I was getting dragged behind by this ox. They were
looking and a few of them tried to save me. It was real nice of them and
they were trying to save me. They wanted the translator to say that I should
stand up for myself more and not let these other people treat me this way.
They could see the rest of the crew abusing me and I didn't seem to
understand it, you know? I was like, "I really appreciate that but I really
want to do that. We're just pretending. It's okay."
Then in another scene
where I was hanging upside down with the ants nest [tied to me] as well. By
then, we've been there for quite some time. The kids really knew us and so
they were laughing and pushing me and things like that. There was one slight
misunderstanding at one point with one of the guards where he started
spinning me. I was getting pretty dizzy and the blood rushing to my head and
these ants crawling on me and things.
Then Werner kind of went,
ok, pfft [Bale motions with his hand] and the guy thought he meant
more, do more. He went crazy spinning me. I couldn't stand up for about half
an hour after that. It was fantastic to be able to go to these villages.
Some of them were refugees from Burma and they didn't have the same rights
as anybody else. Some of them, in fact, were not allowed to leave in certain
areas that we would go into. But all of them [were] absolutely delighted
that we were there and found us hysterical. These bizarre, strange people.
Especially me… this strange person who lets all these other people beat him
up all the time. I was a source of great amusement for the kids.
Also, this soldier story
has a redeeming quality, considering the psycho soldier character you played
in Harsh Times.
I did do this one after
Harsh Times. I didn't connect the two in the slightest. They're such
radically different characters.
You seem fascinated
by characters that have been in brutal situations or who dealt with some
level of brutality. In a sense, even Batman was like that. What draws you to
them and what do you find fascinating about them?
It's fascinating, isn't
it? I'm sure you find it fascinating. It's always interesting for everybody
to look at people who've been pushed to the brink. You wonder how would you
fare with that? Nobody's interested in somebody who doesn't ever really do
anything. I don't have a choice in that. I will always go for those kinds of
characters. Each one is a separate choice for me but I think it's fairly
natural to find yourself gravitating towards people who have done
extraordinary things.
You must have
special insight into what made Dieter succeed. What was it about him that
made Dieter the survivor? He's the only guy that's actually survived and
escaped from a prison camp during the Vietnam War.
It had to have been his
crazy optimism, because there isn't a difference other than that. He
believed when the others doubted. Much of it was probably the power of
denial as well. If he had looked at the big picture and obsessed over that,
he probably would never have gotten out of that camp or made it out of the
jungle whatsoever, which must have been a loathsome place. Up until he
actually sees the plane, at which point, yeah, the jungle became his
salvation. It was potentially a death trap up until then.
But he just wouldn't
quit. He doesn't quit. He just persevered. Much of it is his denial of the
big picture, a denial of the real hideous circumstances he's in. That's what
to me, he means when he's saying [in the film], "What is empty? What is
full?" It's a very practical kind of optimism. It's about you dealing with
what's right in front of you and you keep moving. You keep in motion. You
keep busy.
Your fellow actors
Steve Zahn and Jeremy Davies (who portray Dengler's fellow prisoners) said
that Werner was surprisingly detached from this project given that Dieter
was a good friend of his, and that his style of working kept shifting. He
had no consistent approach from day to day, week to week. Was that your
observation as well?
I like that because I
find that I do that myself. It all depends so much on your own moods each
and every day and how you feel and what's happening to you in your life and
what's working for you. I've never understood anybody who has said they have
one particular technique and that's that. For me, it has to adjust to how
you are feeling and what people are like.
I wouldn't say he was
detached. He's a very muscular director. He really wrestles it. He liked to
do everything that we were doing. Literally, if we had to go into the
rapids, he really wanted to get in the rapids with us. He was losing his
toenails. He was willing to jump and grab a snake. I would watch him and
he'd be performing half the movie right in front of us. Not in the way of,
"Hey, do what I'm doing." Just in excitement. He can't help it. It was like
he was possessed. I wouldn't have used the word detached.
Instead of
approaching things in a linear way, he approached things laterally. Does
that make sense to you?
Yes, I think it's also to
keep people guessing. Most people working on a movie, they are accustomed to
a conventional way of moviemaking and you can very easily slip back into
that. So I think that on purpose, he approaches things in a way [in which]
people are a little confused. He encourages confusion on the set, because
then he knows he can truly be in control. It's not just getting the same
old, same old from people working with him that they would give to other
directors. He got them questioning what he's doing. He's got them being a
little confused and trying something new. He certainly enjoys that. You can
certainly see he enjoys putting the people he is working with on the wrong
footing as he's working with them.
Does it takes a sort
of crazy optimism, like what Dengler had, to become successful as an actor?
Absolutely, because
what's the likelihood of it actually ever happening? You have to be a little
crazy and you've got to be prepared for ridicule. Dignity can't be high on
your list of importance. So, I think Dieter would've made a pretty fine
So that's the story of
your success!
With Dieter's story
you could do research, but obviously that's not necessarily open to you with
Batman in The Dark Knight. So what is that experience like now that
you have a new cast?
It's the old cast as well
because Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman... everybody is still there.
There's a rumor that
Cillian Murphy will be there too.
If it's a rumor, then I
won't confirm it. Because I never know what I can or can't say about that. I
usually wait for other people to say it. Then it must be common knowledge
then, I guess. We got some new cast members as
well, with Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart and Maggie Gyllenhaal, and obviously,
all the usual suspects behind the camera. It will be a nice progression and
we have the confidence now that people will embrace what we did.
It sounds like you
have enough of a family from before that it's been a seamless transition
from re-casting the Katie Holmes role onward.
So how do you stay
I have a lot of
people around me telling me I'm an asshole.
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Copyright ©2007 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved.
July 7, 2007.