You've Got Mail
The latest chapter in the Meg
Ryan-Tom Hanks flirtation, You've Got Mail is an enjoyable
lark. About as weighty as air and likable as a puppy, this is a
story of E-mail heartthrobs who just happen to be enemies in the
business world.
The lightweight story gets a real boost from the
basic likability and just darned cuteness of the stars. You see
Hanks and Ryan and they are so perfect for each other that you can't
understand how they don't realize that fact. The constants of
writer/director Nora Ephron's style are all reassuringly here -- the
missed connections, the old standard tunes meant to reflect the
action, the cute kids and dog, the people living lives that are
unfulfilled until they meet the right person.
By now it has become
something of a formula with Ephron (When Harry Met Sally,
Sleepless In Seattle), but it is a comfortable formula. The
only problem with this film is that for a romantic comedy,
You've Got Mail is charming and sweet, but
it isn't all that funny. At least the other two
films had that going for them.